EcoCheapo Twin Cities

Living green and cheap in the Twin Cities

Cheap microwave popcorn! May 26, 2008

Filed under: Food — kmccully @ 3:40 pm
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My boyfriend has this great way to make popcorn. It is eco-friendly because you avoid acquiring the packaging of the microwave stuff and you can recycle your own paper bag when done popping. It’s cheap because you buy the popcorn in a bag or in a bulk section, resulting in many more servings for your dollar.

Here’s how:

1. Obtain paper lunch bags and plain ol’ popcorn. You probably also would want some luscious, real butter. Mmmmmm, butter.

2. My BF and I usually use a little more than a quarter cup of popcorn. Place it in the paper bag and fold the bag over. All you need to put in is the popcorn; no oil or anything like that. You can adjust to find the amount of popcorn you like to have. We put it on the popcorn setting on the microwave, about 2:00? Experiment with your microwave, just make sure you listen carefully to make sure it doesn’t go too long between pops. It can burn somewhat more easily than store-bought microwave popcorn.

3. Melt some butter and drizzle over your popcorn. Add salt to taste. Devour.



One Response to “Cheap microwave popcorn!”

  1. Pam Says:

    That’s a great idea! I’ve given up microwave popcorn for a couple of reasons, and now I usually make it with oil in a pan. But my kids can do this on their own. Thanks!

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